About Me

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Welcome to my world (well my online collection, that is). I invite you to read and explore my nicoco thoughts & adventures be it at home, in the city of Glasgow, around Scotland or elsewhere on this extraordinary earth. I thoroughly enjoy the simple things in life. Photography is fun, laughing is underrated and smiling is always the way forward! BA (Hons) Business Studies 4th Year Student interested in Marketing, @ Glasgow Caledonian University. Currently living in Scotland physically, on cloud nine mentally. I enjoy exploring, traveling, and experiencing anything which crosses my yellow brick road journey in life!

Monday 26 November 2012


Well now, how do I start to explain the best week so far of my time here in America?

This week I ventured down to stay with a good friend and her family in New Jersey. Because, apparently, thanksgiving is somewhat a BIGdeal out here. … .. no it really is! It’s almost as big, or maybe even bigger than Christmas cerebrations! Especially for my American family, who are Jewish.  I started the first few days of my week, in New Jersey, we celebrated Thanksgiving over two days with both sides of the family. Eating, eating and more excellent extravagant eating. Pumpkin party.. I had pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkin beer, pumpkin candy and we even had a pumpkin car smelly in the car. I wasn’t complaining as its yum-EEEE. Meeting all of Michelle’s family was a true delight, everyone was very welcoming and I felt completely at home amongst there company, it was a true refresher from my Boston working days.  We watched the Macys parade (feeling American) whilst whipping up fresh cream, working for our foody pleasures, and I finished my cranachan dish in which I took to surprise the Americans with some Scottish desserts; tablet, shortbread and cranachan. (im such a domestic goddess, thank you)

Enjoying an evening as a family we reminisced over Michelle’s dazzling past, being such an involved valedictorian in high school I took delight in watching her acting skills shine like the brightest star on her high school stage. Lights, Camera, ACTION! Tired and hitting food comma statuses, we headed out at 11pm like bloated turkeys we just ate.. to a new jersey mall for me to experience the real deal of Thanksgiving Day shopping: it was great to be pondering around a true UsA mall, how local have I become! I never bought much but a precious little solver ring which will always remind me of my great week spent with my DuBow family in New Jersey at Thanksgiving.  This led us onto another day, in another state. NYC was the destination, shopping, exploring and the rockettes was the plan for the day and I loved experiencing my first day in the BIG APPLE with my American sister, Michelle. NEW YORK truly is a great city, I can see why people feel lonely yet feel like they can reach any opportunity and limelight if they so search for it and try to make themselves as famous as possible. Ellens stardust diner, thank you the DuBows for introducing me into this wonderful Broadway to be diner. As I sat eating delicious diner delights, I received a personal song for my 20th birthday which was in two days, I cannot thank mummy DuBow enough for organizing my serenade! We put our names on confetti at the times square museum, for them to be blown out to the crowds during the ball drop of New years 2013, how exciting! Leaving my name in NYC!! Exhausted from how wonderful wondering around the big city we headed home (a twenty minute drive!) how amazing to be able to just pop into NYC for the day, as for me back home it’s a massive thing to plan and afford your long-haul flight across the Atlantic to explore the delights of NYC. .. . forever reminded how fortunate I am to be able to experience this grand year in the United States of America.

My last day ended with a true American diner with my American family and their family friends, pancakes pancakes, more pancakes and some syrup was served up and our bellies soon were bellowing- ready for the commute back to Boston. After a long delay in the Newark station, and meeting an inspiring (and slightly too chatty) staff member in the station, we bussed it back to Boston catching up on work to-dos and getting our productive modes back on. No rest for the wicked, want it- get it.

If you are reading, DuBows- thank you, thank you, thank YOU all for the wonderful past days in the states, I had a GOBBLE good time!
Please follow this link to see my lovely birthday song: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152306933500179&l=8375556036123534060

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